Jumat, 29 Juni 2012


Plastic surgery is a medical speciality concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function (Wikipedia).
Actually, I dont really know about Plastic surgery. I just know about it when my favourite artist, Kim Hyun Joong made it. He made his nose more sharp.  He said that "it's God-given but the doctor put the finishing touch on it"And he explained that he don't make it deliberately. "I broke my nose a long time ago after getting hit by a stone. So I got the bones fixed and a little nose job done. I'm verry satisfied with my looks."He said.
Maybe, there are many people will judge him a bad artist cause he made a Plastic surgery. But for me 'Who Cares?!' He still my Favourite artist. I still love his song, his personality, and his characteristic!! I don't care even though He made a plastic surgery on his face. He still Kim hyun joong, An artist that I love. 
Don't judge person bad just because they made a plastic surgery. It's Humane. All person in the world want to be perfect. Not just An artist. 
Kim hyun joong look more gentle when he acknowledge that he made a plastic surgery. Than another artist that made a plastic surgery too but they never acknowledge it. It's embarrassing!!! Just be honest if you made a plastic surgery. and person will forgive you for do that..

Plastic surgery and breast implants are fine for people who want that, If it makes them feel better about who they are. But, it makes these people, actors especially, fantasy figures for a fantasy world. Acting is about being real being honest. Kate winslet.

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

Don't call me Marjuni-My name

When I was young. I really love my name. 
I think that my name is the special name that my parents give. Stella Fenna Marjuni
That is really Feminine name. But when I adult, I think that my name is little weird. 
I don't like Marjuni at my last name. It little awkward when people call me 'Marjuni'. 
I have many meaning at my name. 
My parents told me that Stella mean Star and in the Bible mean 'Oase'; Fenna mean Arifen and Eriana (my parents name) ; Marjuni mean March and June (my parents birthday months).
But I don't agree with my parents to combine March and June to be Marjuni. That's really weird!!
In senior high school, my friends and my teacher often call me Marjuki. but my name is Marjuni :'(
I have no self-confident when they call me Marjuki. But I still say thanks to my parents to give Marjuni at my name.

There is a Cartoon named, Stella (The club winx). I love this cartoon, not because this cartoon name is Stella too. But I love her characteristic, her character is active. I want have a same characteristic with this cartoon. but just the characteristic :)

So, if you meet me, don't call me Marjuni. Just Stella, it's enough :)